Annual international conference "Reciprocating compressor packages" 2019

General sponsor of the event: Ariel International Corporation

Golden sponsor of the event: INNIO’s Waukesha gas engines

Silver sponsor of the event: Energoservice

Bronze sponsor of the event: KERUI

Bronze sponsor of the event: NPO "Сlean energy" Ltd

Bronze sponsor of the event: Shell

Conference will be held in May 21-22, 2019

Marriot Moscow Grand Hotel, 26/1 Tverskaya str., Moscow, Russia.

The goal of the conference is experience exchange, discussion and solution of operation companies main problems, ideas advancement of contemporary design and reliable operation of reciprocating compressor packages. Event agenda includes plenary sessions and discussions at round tables about most current subjects.

Main subjects of the May 21-22 2019 conference:

  • Specifics of acoustical studies and their implementation for equipment upgrades
  • Specifics of gas engines applications
  • Gas engine operation with different fuel gas mixtures
  • Specifics of application and upgrades of couplings
  • Experience of vibration monitoring and remote condition control systems operation
  • Upgrade of gas treatment systems
  • Specifics of lubricants
  • Compressor valves reliability increase
  • Reliable operation factors
  • Distribution, technical support and training
  • Compressor station operation and service experience
  • Latest product innovations of Waukesha Series 5
  • Practical experience of Waukesha gas engines operations in field gas applications; experience of completed overhauls and field repairs
  • Typical questions about compressor package piping
  • Gas engine – reciprocating compressor package: requirements, documentation and typical mistakes

Book a room with Ariel Corporation in Moscow Marriot Grand

Primary sponsor:

Ariel Corporation

Golden sponsor:

Waukesha INNIO

Silver sponsor:

ООО «Инженерный центр «Энергосервис»

Bronze sponsor:

Чистая энергия

Media partners:

Журнал «Газовая промышленность»
Журнал «Территория Нефтегаз»
Жздательский дом «Недра»
Журнал «Нефтегазовая Вертикаль»
Издательский дом «Энергетика и промышленность»
компрессорные технологии